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Francophonie Festival 2025

March 2 - 29, 2025

The Francophonie Festival is back for another edition from 02 March to 29 March 2025.

This year’s theme for the French-speaking world is ‘Francophonie avec Elles’ (Francophonie with Women).


Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre

21 NOVEMBER, 2024

To celebrate the 53rd Hong Kong French Film Festival, The Alliance Francaise Hong Kong, the HKU French programme and the French Society A.A.H.K.U. invite you to the screening of Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre.


The 53 Hong Kong French Film Festival


The Hong Kong French Film Festival (HKFFF) returns to the city's cinemas in November 2024 with a large selection of nearly 50 films. French talents including actresses, actors, directors, and are invited to come to Hong Kong for a series of events of the Festival.


Festival of Animated Films: Mars Express

OCTOBER 24, 2024

To celebrate the Festival of Animated Films, join us for a free screening of the film Mars Express by Jérémie Périn, France, 2023

Thursday, 24 October at 6:30 pm in Main Building, MBG07


French Science Festival 2024: Global Shark Crisis

OCTOBER 10, 2024

French Science Festival 2024: Oceans of Knowledge

Talk by Andrea Richey, Executive Director of Hong Kong Shark Foundation

Thursday 10 October 2024, 5:00-6:00 pm in Main Building, MB217


Fête de la Science 2024 : Océans de savoir

OCTOBER 4 - 14, 2024

French Science Festival 2024: Oceans of Knowledge

Join the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau for the 5th French Science Festival in Hong Kong, from 4 to 14 October 2024! 


Start your French journey at HKU

AY 2024-25

Discover the many benefits of learning French and learn about your French studies at HKU.

Find practical information about our French introductory course FREN1001, and the various options for your French studies.


French May 2024

APRIL - JUNE, 2024

法國五月藝術節 2024

French May Arts Festival 2024

The 2024 French May Arts Festival is packed with cultural events that celebrate the illuminating power of exchange and savour the joys of French heritage!


HKU French football team joins the competition!

MARCH 17, 2024

On Sunday, March 17th, a group of six students from the HKU French programme took part in the first French-speaking Football competition in Hong Kong.


Festival Interuniversitaire du Film Francophone 2024

MARCH 12 & 14, 2024

As part of the 2024 Francophonie Festival, we invite you to the screening of La Cordonnière and Goliath, which will be held at HKU on 12 March 2024 and 14 March 2024.


Concours oratoire interuniversitaire

MARCH 9, 2024

As part of the Fête de la Francophonie 2024, the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau, together with the Alliance française and the HKU French Programme, is proud to present the French Speech competition.


The Francophonie Festival 2024

MARCH 6, 2024

The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau and the Alliance Française de Hong Kong are pleased to announce the launch of the Fête de la Francophonie 2024. Cultural, sporting, linguistic and culinary events will be organized throughout the month of March.



NOVEMBER 30, 2023

As part of the 52nd French Film Festival, we invite you to the screening of French New Wave masterpiece, The 400 Blows / Les Quatre Cents Coups by acclaimed director François Truffaut. The screening will be followed by a discussion in English and Chinese.

Language: French with English subtitles.


The 52nd Hong Kong French Film Festival 2023


The 52nd Hong Kong French Film Festival 2023

The 52nd edition of HKFFF will continue to bring the latest and the best of French Cinema to Hong Kong film lovers.


French Science Festival 2023

NOVEMBER 10 - 27, 2023

French Science Festival 2023: Sport and science: from health to performance

Join the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao for the 4th French Science Festival in Hong Kong, from 10 to 27 November 2023! This year, the theme is set to devote to sports.


Return to Seoul (Retour à Séoul)

OCTOBER 11, 2023

The Multicultural and Global Diversity Project Team at the University of Hong Kong is delighted to invite you to the film screening of Return to Seoul《回首爾後》followed by a post-screening discussion with the film director Davy Chou.

11 October, 2023 (Wednesday),


CBC, LG1/F, Chow Yei Ching Building, Main Campus, The University of Hong Kong


French May 2023

APRIL - JUNE, 2023

Celebrating its 30th edition this year, French May is one of the largest cultural events in Asia. With more than 100 programmes presented across two months, it has become an iconic part of Hong Kong's cultural scene that reaches over 200 thousand visitors each year. The objectives of French May are to touch everything, to be everywhere and for everyone.


2023 Francophonie Festival Inaugural Conference

MARCH 10, 2023

Francophonie Festival Inaugural Conference

By the internationally renowned French novelist

Muriel Barbery

Friday, 10th March 2023, 1:00 to 3:00 pm

Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, LG.08

The University of Hong Kong


Fête de la Francophonie

MARCH, 2023

The annual Francophonie Festival (Fête de la Francophonie) is back!

Celebrate Francophonie Festival this March with us! Even if you are not yet a French speaker, you could still immerse yourself in a friendly Francophone environment and participate in a variety of events co-organised by the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau and Alliance Française de Hong Kong. 


HKU-HKBU Joint Conference : Europe and the Franco-German partnership: The Elysée Treaty at 60

FEBRUARY 10, 2023

This half-day conference assesses the Franco-German relationship at sixty. The main question is a simple one that is difficult to answer. Have France and Germany traditionally exercised joint leadership within the European Union?


Happy literary anniversary Colette!

FEBRUARY 9, 2023

The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau continues its series of "literary anniversaries" to pay tribute to the great figures of French literature with this second event to pay tribute to Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, known as Colette, a major French woman writer of the 20th century. The 28th of January 2023 would have been the 150th anniversary of Colette’s birth. 


Celebrating Marcel Proust

NOVEMBER 23, 2022

The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau is launching a series of literary anniversaries to honour the great figures of French literature. In November 2022, Marcel Proust will be celebrated!


The 51th Hong Kong French Film Festival


Hong Kong French Film Festival is celebrating its 51st edition this year, from November 13 to December 13, 2022 with 56 films, including a selection of films by Claire Denis, and a tribute to Jean-Louis Trintignant, Jean-Luc Godard and Gaspard Ulliel.


EU-Asia Documentary Festival 2022

AUGUST 5 - 14, 2022

Do not miss the opportunity to discover on the big screen the documentaries selected for the EU-Asia Doc Fest which will take place from August 5 to 14, 2022 in Hong Kong.


Cinquième Nuit de la lecture

JULY 25, 2022

Cinquième Nuit de la lecture : L’écrivain-voyageur, entre amour des lettres et récit d’aventures

Le Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao et la Librairie Parenthèses vous proposent une soirée de lecture et de partage.


Hong Kong Book Fair 2022 - Travel to France

JULY 20 - 26, 2022

From July 20th to 26th 2022 the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao will present its French Pavilion at the Hong Kong Book Fair (Hall 1A - A17 "International Cultural Village") for the 7th consecutive year, with a focus placed on travel and travelling writers.


2022 Hong Kong European Union Film Festival

JULY 15 - 31, 2022

Discover the best of contemporary European cinema at the 13th edition of the festival which will take place from July 15 to 31, 2022 in Hong Kong.


Presidential Elections in France

April 28, 2022

Presidential Elections in France

HKU-HKBU Joint Seminar Series on European Politics

Join our roundtable of experts for a discussion on the French presidential elections.


The 50th Hong Kong French Film Festival


Hong Kong French Film Festival (HKFFF), celebrates its 50th edition this year, marking an important milestone of the festival with more than 5 decades of history in Hong Kong.


Welcome to France: A French Touch @ HKU

SEPTEMBER 29, 2021

Interested in developing your career in the leading French luxury industry or the strategic sector of French wine and gastronomy? 

Join our online event to get access to insider knowledge that will help you prepare students to become future industry leaders.


Info about FREN1001
and the new semester

AUGUST, 2021

We have put together important information for students about French I.1 Introductory course (FREN1001) and teaching arrangements in S1, 2021-2022.  


Webinar: Discover ESSEC Masters Programs

JUNE 7, 2021

Discover ESSEC Masters Programs in France and Singapore

WEBINAR | 07.06.2021 | 3:00 pm

SPEAKERS: Maxime Chatellier | ESSEC Recruitment Director East Asia

And Ms LIU Sui Yan | HKU alumni, current students in the master’s in data sciences & Business Analytics at ESSEC & CentraleSupélec.


French Cinema: Join The New Wave

MAY 27, 2021

French Cinema: Join The New Wave - Discover Key Skills & Training Opportunities

The Consulate General of France along with Campus France Hong Kong are hosting “French Cinema: Join The New Wave” Webinar on 27 May 2021.


HKU Francophone Film Week 2021

MARCH 22 - 26, 2021

Join us for the HKU Francophone Film Week 2021!

Organized by French Society A.A.H.K.S.U

in cooperation with the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau and the School of Modern Languages and Cultures (SMLC).


African Movie Night

MARCH 10 - MAY 12, 2021

Highlighting the contemporary struggles of individuals across the continent, this series of African films presents a broad array of people working to achieve their beliefs and dreams while searching for their own distinct identities.


Fête de la Francophonie

MARCH, 2021

Francophonie represents about 300 million people, binded with a common language.

Every month of March, the weeks of the Francophonie celebrate French language with many French-speaking countries, such as : France, Belgium, Canada, France, and Switzerland.


French AI & Data Week @HKU

MARCH 8 - 11, 2021

In collaboration with Campus France (Hong Kong) and the University of Hong Kong, a series of online webinars – Welcome to France: Digital Revolution & Industries of the Future - will be held throughout March.


Colours of Congo

23 FEBRUARY - 20 JUNE, 2021

Colours of Congo: Patterns, Symbols and Narratives in 20th-Century Congolese Paintings displays a selection of Congolese work created from the 1920s to 1960.

The exhibition and accompanying volume of essays primarily examines this group of paintings as artworks ...


Nuit des Idées - Night of Ideas

JANUARY, 28, 2021

The Consulate General of France, along with the Hong Kong Museum of Art would like to invite you to the 4th Edition of the Night of Ideas dedicated to the role of culture and art in time of crisis on Thursday 28th January 2021 (6pm - 10pm).


Prix du Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao

JANUARY, 26, 2021

Ms Leung Wai Ki, Momo has been awarded the Prix du Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao, 2020. Each year, this prestigious prize rewards the best deserving student in the HKU French programme. Our congratulations to Momo for her dedication to French language and culture!


Inauguration Ceremony of French Society, Session 2020–2021

JANUARY, 21, 2021

The 17th Inauguration Ceremony of French Society, A.A.H.K.U.S.U. was held on January 21st, 2021 to marks the commencement of Session 2020–2021.


Littérature Au Vol. De la Terre à la Lune


Littérature Au Vol is an exciting project in which students will have the opportunity to discuss, contextualize and interpret collectively a text by a major French author.  


Teaching arrangements for semester 2, 2020-2021


As the Covid-19 circulation is still active in Hong Kong and physical distancing rules remain in place, all French courses will continue to be conducted online in semester 2, 2020-21.


In Memoriam

NOVEMBER, 2, 2020

In loving memory of

Marie Li Ying
(August 14, 1958– October 31, 2020)

It is with great sadness that we mourn the passing of our colleague and friend, Marie Li Ying, on October 31, 2020.


49th Hong Kong French Film Festival


The French Cinepanorama -- Hong Kong French Film Festival, is back in town, with an online format and in cinema! Organized by the Alliance Française de Hong Kong with the support of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the 49th Hong Kong French Film Festival will run from 25th November to 15th December, 2020. A great selection of 40 films will be screened online and in cinemas.


France to Hong Kong Education Tour


Taking place online on the 13th and 14th of October, you’re invited to the ‘’France to Hong Kong Education Tour’’ - the largest event related to French higher education in Hong Kong this year.


Teaching arrangements for semester 1, 2020-2021

AUGUST, 2020

As the Covid-19 circulation is still active in Hong Kong and physical distancing rules remain in place, all French courses will be conducted online in Semester 1, 2020-21.


French programme in the time of Covid-19


In light of the development of the COVID-19 outbreak, face-to-face teaching at the University was suspended in February 2020 to reduce the risk of infection. To comply with the University’s recommendation, HKU French programme switched to online teaching.

This is a brief account of how we kept things going in the time of Covid-19.


COVID-19 Multilingual Infographics

APRIL, 2020

French Programme collaborates with HKUMed to create COVID-19 Multilingual Infographics.

A key line of defence against the COVID-19 pandemic is having access to accurate health and hygiene information for everyone. With this in mind, HKU Faculty of Medicine has collaborated with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures to translate and produce a series of #Healthographics.


The ILLSA Project


ILLSA is a funded UGC project co-organized by three leading universities in Hong Kong to give students the opportunity to develop their skills in Foreign languages as well as to explore the topic of “Healthy Cities”.

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